BA Quantitative Reasoning Courses

The course should enable students to define a problem, analyze numerical or symbolic information, apply mathematical or logical principles, and integrate quantitative or formal methods into problem solving. A single course cannot count for both the BA Quantitative Reasoning requirement and the KU Core Goal 1.2 requirement. 

Updated 12.12.23
CourseCourse Title
ASTR 391Physical Astronomy, Honors
CHEM 130General Chemistry I
CHEM 135General Chemistry II
CHEM 150Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM 170Chemistry for Chem Sciences I
CHEM 175Chemistry for Chem Sciences II
CHEM 190Foundations of Chemistry I Hnr
CHEM 195Foundations of Chemistry II Hn
COMS 356Intr Bhvrl Rsrch Mthds in Comm
ECON 104Introductory Economics
ECON 105Introductory Economics, Honors
ECON 142Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 143Princpls of Microeconomics,Hnr
ECON 144Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 145Princpls of Macroeconomics,Hnr
GEOL 190Intro Quantitative Geoscience
MATH 101College Algebra
MATH 104Precalculus Mathematics
MATH 105Introduction to Topics in Math
MATH 115Calculus I
MATH 116Calculus II
MATH 125Calculus I
MATH 126Calculus II
MATH 127Calculus III
MATH 145Calculus I, Honors
MATH 146Calculus II, Honors
MATH 147Calculus III, Honors
MATH 365Elementary Statistics
PHIL 210Reason, Chance, and Probability
PHSX 114College Physics I
PHSX 211General Physics I
PHSX 213 General Physics I Honors
POLS 306Political Sci Methd of Inquiry
PSYC 210Statistics Psychological Rsrch 
PUAD 332Quantitatve Methd Public Admin
SOC 380 Elemn Statistics&Data Analysis